Enrollment & Registration
To enroll your child at the nursery, we maintain a waiting list as follows:
You can add your child's name to the waiting list at any time by contacting the Nursery Manager or administrator and completing a waiting list entry form. Names are added to the list based on the date of the initial contact with the Nursery. Nursery places are offered to children in the order of their waiting list entry date for each registration year.
Please Note: East Dunbartonshire Council only provides funding for children residing within their postcode area. If there are not enough places to meet the demand, the following criteria will be considered:
1. Proirity will be given to children who are resident within East Dunbartonshire Council.
2. Prioirty will be given to children who are choosing to attend the nursery for the full sessions.
3. Children identified and referred to the Nursery as having a particular need will be given priority over strict adherence to the waiting list
4. Priority will then be given to children with older siblings already attending the Nursery
5. Priority will then be given to children in their pre-school year
6. Priority will then be given to ante-pre-school children
The waiting list will be monitored to ensure that all sections of the community are being reached and to ensure no discrimination is taking place on grounds of gender or ethnic background of children in the nursery
Having a child's name on the waiting list does not guarantee a place at the Nursery
Parents and carers are required to register their pre-school or ante-pre-school child online with East Dunbartonshire Council in order to secure their funding and must re-register for each year their child attends Nursery. The Nursery can assist parents with this if required at our annual Registration and Open Afternoon in January.
If you wish to enquire about a space, Please complete the form below by copying and pasting it into the search bar. Thank you.